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#*#'''G''' - ''Guardian Pickup'': Guardian picked up medication.
#*#'''G''' - ''Guardian Pickup'': Guardian picked up medication.
#*#'''PU''' - ''EOY Pickup'': Medication picked up at end of year.  
#*#'''PU''' - ''EOY Pickup'': Medication picked up at end of year.  
#**Note Be sure to use the '''[[EOY Dispose/Pickup]]''' procedure for EOY Pickup of medication.
#*#*Note: Be sure to use the '''[[EOY Dispose/Pickup]]''' procedure for EOY Pickup of medication.
#*'''Administered Quantity''':  The default quantity will be whatever the amount is indicated in the prescription details, but the user can click in the cell and enter a different amount if needed.
#*'''Administered Quantity''':  The default quantity will be whatever the amount is indicated in the prescription details, but the user can click in the cell and enter a different amount if needed.
#*'''Note''':  The user can enter a text comment in this cell.
#*'''Note''':  The user can enter a text comment in this cell.

Revision as of 09:57, 4 April 2014

The directions below describe how to enter data when a student is given medication at school. Note: Before medication can be administered, it must be added to the Medication system by clicking the Add New Medication button.

Getting Started

  1. In the left navigation panel, click on Health.
  2. In the Health group, under the Entry grouping, click Medication.

Setup Options

  1. Year: Select the school year.
  2. District: This will default to the district's number based on the login of the user.
  3. School: This will default to the school associated with the user. If the user is associated with multiple sites, other school sites can be selected.
  4. Show: By default, the selection of Active Prescriptions is displayed, which filters out prescriptions no longer in effect.
    • To see all prescriptions, whether active or inactive, select All Prescriptions.
  5. Click the OK button to begin the Medication program.
  6. A Medication screen listing students with current active medication prescriptions will be shown on the screen.

Administering Medication

  1. On the listing of students who have active medication prescriptions, click on the name of the student who will be given medication.
  2. A gray menu box will appear. Select Administer Medication.
  3. A medication calendar will be displayed. The current date will be shaded in blue.
  4. Details of the prescription will be found across the top of the calendar.
  5. Days with previous medicine administrations will be shaded in green. A count in the green cell will indicate how many administrations were given on this day.
  6. Days with “X” indicate weekends. Days with “H” indicate holidays. The key below shows other status indicators that may appear in the calendar cells.
  7. Click in the current date blue cell, or a previous day's cell. A small gray menu will appear. Click to select Administer Medication.
    • Administer Medication (800x394).jpg
  8. A medication administration box will come up. Most of the time, the user simply clicks the OK button to enter the medication administration event. However, the user can click in cells to edit information if needed.
    • Time: The default will register the current time, however the user can click to change the time medication was administered.
    • Status: The default is “Administered”, but the user can click the drop down arrow and select from other status indicators such as “Absent”. Below is a listing of available Status indicators:
      1. A- Absent: Student was absent on date of administration.
      2. CA - Count Adjustment: Medication count adjusted due to loss, incorrect entry.
      3. D - Early Dismissal: Student left school before administration.
      4. DC - Discontinued: Medication no longer used.
      5. DI - EOY Dispose: Medication picked up at end of year.
      6. H - Holiday: Holiday on medication calendar.
      7. R - Refused: Student refused to take medication.
      8. M - Missed Dose: Student did not come in to take medication.
      9. S - Self Administered: Student is allowed to self:administer medication.
      10. MP - Medication Pickup: Parent/Guardian picked up medication.
      11. SD - Staff Dispose: Staff disposed of an amount due to contamination, loss, out of date, et
      12. N - None Available: No medication left to give to student.
      13. W - Dose Withheld: Student not given medication due to a circumstance where it was not advi
      14. P - Parent Teacher Conference: Parent Teacher Conference Day on medication calendar.
      15. X - Weekend: Weekend date on medication calendar.
      16. F - Field Trip: Student out on field trip.
      17. PP - Parent Pickup: Parent picked up medication.
      18. G - Guardian Pickup: Guardian picked up medication.
      19. PU - EOY Pickup: Medication picked up at end of year.
    • Administered Quantity: The default quantity will be whatever the amount is indicated in the prescription details, but the user can click in the cell and enter a different amount if needed.
    • Note: The user can enter a text comment in this cell.
    • Add Consultation: Place a check mark here to have this medicine administration automatically create a Consultation record in the student’s Health information.
    • Click the OK button to store the medication administration event. The amount of medication on hand will be decreased by the amount administered.
      • Example: If 25 tablets were on hand, then one was administered, after clicking OK, the amount on hand will be reduced to "24".
    • Medication Administer Window.png
  9. The user will be returned to the calendar. The cell will now be shaded green with a count dispensed shown in the cell. The remaining medication on hand will be decreased accordingly.

Prescription Details

  1. To see details for a date in which medication was administered, click on a green cell on the calendar. A small gray menu will appear. Click on Prescription Details.
  2. A window will appear in which details of the medication administration will appear.
    • Prescription Details.png

Undo Administer

  1. If a mistake was made, and the medication administration needs to be deleted, click on the green cell of the date to be removed. A small gray menu will appear. Click Undo Administer.
  2. Another window will appear. Click the red delete cell to remove the medicine administration event.
    • Undo Administer.PNG

To Administer Medication for the Next Student

  1. Click the Close button in the lower left of the Administer Medication calendar screen.
  2. The user will be returned to the Medication screen listing students with prescriptions. Click on the name of the next student to be given medication and repeat the steps above.

Health Main Page

Medication Page
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