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== '''Starting WebPams Gradebook: WebPams Version''' ==
Ask your JPams district coordinator for the web address of the WebPams gradebook in your district.  It is usually in this format:
[[Media:http://webserveraddress/WebPams]]            Your address: ____________________________________
Using your favorite browser, go to the address given.  At the start page, enter your '''User ID''' and '''Password''', then click '''Sign In'''.
'''Important for Web Gradebook''': '''Save''' often and '''Logout''' when done!  If stopping Web Gradebook for a moment to do some other task, be sure to save first!
Main Screen for WebPams – 3 sections – '''Menu''' Items, '''Messages''' from Edgear, '''Stats''' for district enrollment and ethnicity breakdown
== '''WebPams Gradebook''' ==
Click on Grades, then WebGradebook to open the gradebook. (Presently in testing mode until completion)
Setup Box appears – make changes, if necessary, and click OK.
At the bottom of the screen, choose Year; Teacher, if necessary; Course; Marking Period.
== '''Toolbar Icons''' ==
Tooltips are available for each icon.  Just hold your mouse pointer (without clicking) over each icon and an explanation will appear.
1.  '''Assignments''': Click to display the dropdown menu to access the '''New''' item which creates a '''New Assignment''' for the class section.  Once an assignment is created, you can use the '''Edit''' item to make changes or the '''Remove''' item to remove or delete an assignment. 
2.  '''Grades''': This menu allows you to use grades features.
3.  '''Reports''': Creates reports, logs, charts, etc. The remainder of the items all give the same type of graphs dealing with the Selected Assignments, All Assignments, and Final Grade.
4.  '''Show Me''':  Allows you to see Empty Grades, LEP students, and more to come.
5.  '''Admin''': Allows administrators to preform tasks.
6.  '''Attendance''':  Allows teachers to complete daily attendance.
7.  '''Discipline''':  Allows teachers to complete their sections of the Behavioral Form.
8.  '''Seating Chart''':  Creates a seating chart for the students in each class.
9.  '''Save''':  A very important item used to save grades entered on each assignment.  This is a must to save the grades – whether new grades or changes to existing grades.
== '''Setting up Non Weighted Categories''' ==
Use categories to organize your gradebook, but is not mandatory.  The categories creates items used as defaults and can be changed when entering a new assignment.  This feature allows you to choose specific colors for the different types of assignments given in a class. (i.e. Test, Quiz, Term Paper, etc.)  These categories will appear in the '''Assignment Type''' drop-down box when you create a new assignment. 
1. To create categories, click on '''Assignments''' on the Menu Bar and choose '''Categories''' from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on '''Blank line''' to create a new category completing the Name of the category (i.e. Tests, Exams, Homework, etc).  Select the '''Grade Type'''.  Enter the default '''Maximum Value''' (this can be changed when creating an assignment) of points.  Select a Color for the assignment type.  When done, click '''Save''' (green box) to save the assignment category.  Continue using the blank line to add additional assignments.
== '''Setting up Weighted Categories''' ==
This feature allows you to set categories that are based on weight values of the total grade.  <u>When a user creates assignments with weighted categories, no non-weighted categories can be used in combination with these weighted categories within a class section</u>.
1. Use the same steps as the Non-Weighted Categories above.
2. In the '''Weight''' field, enter the weight value that this category will use.
3. When done setting up weighted categories, click '''Save''' (green box).
'''Important Note about Categories and Weights''':  All categories created in WebGradebook show for all classes.  A user can have categories that are non-weighted for some classes and also have weighted categories for others. 
<u>The user needs to remember that if a weighted category is used on an assignment in a particular class, then all assignments in that class must be of a weighted category type.  The gradebook will not calculate weighted and non-weighted assignments in the same class</u>. 
== '''Entering Assignment Grades''' ==
1. Click '''Assignments''' then '''New'''.
2. Enter a title for the assignment in the '''Assignment Title''' field. 
3. Click the drop down arrow in the '''Category''' field to pick the category of the assignment. 
a. '''NOTE''':  All assignments within a given class section must be the same type  -  either all are non-weighted or all weighted. 
4. Click the drop down arrow in the '''Grade Post Type''' to identify the assignment as a '''Numerical Grade''', '''SNU Numeric''', or '''SNU Letter''' grade. If categories were created, this item is entered for the category.
5. If the subject is a core course (Math, Lang Arts, Social Studies, Science), a user can associate GLE’s that are already preconfigured for the class.  Click in the '''Curriculum Unit''' field.  A list of Units specifically for the course will be displayed.  Click to pick a '''Unit'''.  The screen will then move to a listing of '''Activities''' for this unit of the course.  A user can select one or more activities.  Click the '''Next''' button to move to a listing of matching GLE’s.  Click the appropriate '''GLE’s''' for the assignment.  When done, click '''Append to Objectives''', then '''Close Window'''.  A nice feature of adding GLE’s is that there is a GLE report that can give results of the GLE’s covered in WebGradebook for the year.
6. If a weighted '''Assignment Type''' category was chosen, the '''Weight Value''' will be displayed.
7. Based on the '''Assignment Type''' category chosen, a default '''Maximum Value''' (Points possible) will be displayed.  If the user wishes to change the '''Maximum Value''', click in the field, backspace out the existing value, and enter the desired amount.  If there are '''Bonus Points''' possible, enter them in the '''Bonus Points''' field. Enter the '''Date Assigned''' and '''Date Due''' fields. 
8. If you wish to copy the assignment to other classes, click the '''Copy to Other Sections''' button, or if not, click '''Save''' to enter the assignment to this section only.
9. A new column for the assignment will now be displayed in the grade book.  Click in the first cell, then begin to type the grade for the assignment.  To move to the next cell, simply tap the ENTER button or the DOWN arrow and the active cell will drop down to the next student.  After entering the grades, click on the '''Save''' icon (looks like a disk) at the top of the tool bar.
== '''Entering Exam Grades in WebGradebook''' ==
Posting of exam results is done the same as posting assignments, with one variation.  We pick the exam grading period to post the grade result.
A. <u>'''This only needs to be followed if your school/district posts exam results as a separate grade item'''</u>.  <u>Example</u>:  To determine a final, a district requires an average from grading period 1, grading period 2, and an exam.  These are all averaged together for a final.  Contact your JPams Coordinator if you are unsure as to how exam results are posted in your district / school.
B. '''EOC exam results are imported electronically for the teacher'''
1. In WebGradebook, locate the '''Marking Pd''' field on the lower right.  Click and select one of the following based on your schedule type:  <u>If unsure which to choose, check with your JPams District Coordinator</u>.
2. Repeat the steps as described in the previous section ('''Entering Assignment Grades''').  The only difference is that you will post one assignment for the exam score. 
a. On the top row of menu commands, click '''Assignments''' then '''New'''.
b. Enter a title for the exam in the '''Assignment Title''' field. 
c. For the '''Assignment Type''', leave it set to '''(None)'''.  Do not choose a category.  This is the only score that will be posted for this '''“Marking Pd”''' of '''1st Sem Exam''', therefore no category or weight is needed.
d. Click the drop down arrow in the '''Grade Post Type''' to identify the assignment as a '''Numerical Grade'''.
e. Enter a '''Maximum Value''' (Points possible).  If there are '''Bonus Points''' possible, enter them in the '''Bonus Points''' field. Enter the '''Date Assigned''' and '''Date Due''' fields. 
3. After entering the information, click '''Save'''. 
4. A new column for the exam results will be displayed in the grade book.  Double click in the first cell, then begin to type the grade for the exam.  To move to the next cell, simply tap the ENTER button or the DOWN arrow and the active cell will drop down to the next student.  After entering the grades, click on the '''Save''' icon at the top of the tool bar.
5. <u>'''TIP'''</u>:  Want to review the grades for the year in one place?  In the menu bar, click '''Reports''', then '''Term Grades Report'''.  You will then see all students in the course with the grade averages for all grading periods and exams on one sheet.
== '''Grade Types''' ==
1. '''Numerical Grade''': This type will permit the entering of numeric grades '''such as 95, 78, 30, etc...''' You can post the numerical value and use a decimal if desired. The equivalent alpha grade is determined based on your grading scale as set in your pupil progression setup. See Valid Grades section below.
2. '''Letter Grade''':  This type will permit '''the entering of alpha''' grades '''such as A, B, C, etc...''' You would simply post the alpha or other grade. See Valid Grades '''section below'''.
3. '''SNU Numeric Grade''':  This type will permit the entering of numeric grades such as 20, 95, 80, etc…. The grade related to the score of SNU will be based on the scale setup in the Pupil Progression settings of JPams.  You can use a decimal '''if desired'''. See Valid Grades '''section below'''.
4. '''SNU Letter Grade''':  This type will permit the entering of S, N, and U letters for student assignments.
== '''Valid Grades''' ==
1. '''Alpha''': Valid grades are A, B, C, D, and F.
2. '''Numeric''': Valid grades are 0 to the '''Maximum Point Value''' and can be decimal.  For example, you may opt to award a half point on a partially correct answer.  Thus, you can post a 95.5 providing the value is within the assignment’s total points possible.
3. '''S, N, U Alpha''': Valid grades are S, N and U.
4. '''S, N, U Numeric''': Valid grades are 0 – '''Maximum Point Value''' and can be decimal. 
5. '''Other''': Valid other grades are '''E, I, P, R, W, X''' and blank.  These grades are always valid for any assignment.  A black assignment grade is equivalent to the E grade below.
'''E''' Used to mark an assignment grade as exempt grade for a student and it is not counted as a part of the final marking period average.
'''I''' Used to mark an assignment as incomplete.  The grading period average will include an
“I” assignment in the possible points.
'''P''' Used in any assignment to signal the final marking period average as a passing (P) grade.
'''R''' Used in any assignment to signal the final marking period average as a readiness (R) grade
'''W''' Used in any assignment to signal the final marking period average as a withdrawal W grade.
'''X''' Used to mark an assignment grade as a grade where the student failed to make up an assignment. It is treated as a zero (0) in computing a final marking period average.
== '''Syllabus''' ==
The syllabus lists all assignments and information about each one.
== '''Duplicate a Grade''' ==
Sometimes it is handy to be able to duplicate a grade to all students on an assignment.  The steps below describe how this can be done.
1. Create an assignment as described in the previous section.
2. Click '''Grades''', then '''Duplicate Grade'''.
3. Click to select the assignment to duplicate grades to.  In the '''Enter Grade Value''' field, enter the grade to be duplicated.  Click '''Apply Duplicate'''.
4. The grade will now display in each student’s cell.  If a single student did not make the duplicated grade, simply click in the cell, backspace the entry out, then enter the correct value, then tap the ENTER key  or move down to the next student.
== '''Posting GLE's in Gradebook''' ==
Associating assignments with GLE’s helps the teacher and school track which GLE’s have been covered before testing, and track how the students are doing on the GLE.
1. In the toolbar menu, click '''Grade''', then '''New'''.  Type in '''Assignment Title''', '''Assignment Type''' and '''Grade Post''' type.
2. Click in box next to '''Curriculum Unit'''.
3. A box titled '''Curriculum Units for Section''' will appear. Select the appropriate unit by clicking next to the correct unit.  Click the '''Continue button at the bottom of this window'''.
4. Another box will appear titled '''Curriculum Topics for Unit'''.  Select one or more appropriate topic(s), then click the '''Continue''' button at bottom of screen.
5. Another box appears titled '''Curriculum GLE’s For Unit'''.  Select appropriate GLE’s for unit.  When finished, click '''Append to Objectives''' button at bottom.
6. The system will return to the '''New''' assignment box.  You will now see your '''Curriculum Unit''', '''Topic''', and '''GLE’s''' listed.  Also, the GLE’s will appear in the '''Objectives''' field of the assignment box. When done reviewing, click the '''Save''' button to place the assignment in WebGradebook. The assignment will be displayed on your gradebook page.
== '''GLE Reports: Curriculum Checklist''' ==
Throughout the year you may want to check to see if you have completed required GLE’s for your subject matter.  This can be done by performing the following steps:
1. At the top of the gradebook page in the menu bar, click '''Reports''', then '''Curriculum Checklist'''.
2. The Curriculum Checklist page will be displayed with the following information:
a. Unit/GLE Description
b. Activity
c. Assessed
d. Date(s) taught
== '''Transfer Students and Assignments in WebGradebook''' ==
When a student’s schedule is changed during the middle of a grading period, or if a new student is gained in the middle of a grading period, it sometimes is necessary to take the average or points from the “old” class and make a transfer assignment in the “new” class.
There are two primary methods for accounting for the current grading period points earned in another class, whether it is in the same school, or from another school.  Discuss with your district or school Principal to determine which method is desired.
<u>'''Method 1'''</u>:  '''Enter a Grading Average from the Previous Class'''
1. In '''WebGradebook''', create an assignment labeled “'''Transfer Student'''” or some other related title.
2. Make the assignment worth 100 points.
'''Note''':  If this is a class with weighted categories (Ex. 30% Homework and 70% Tests), make two transfer assignments, one for each category.
a. One for the first weighted category called “'''Transfer Student category name 1'''”
b. Another for the other weighted category called “'''Transfer Student category name 2'''”
c. If there are other weighted categories, repeat as needed.
3. Once the '''Transfer Assignment''' is made, duplicate a grade of '''E''' to all students.  This will show that all other students are exempt from this assignment.  The steps below explain how to duplicate a grade of “'''E'''” to all students.
a. Click '''Grades''', then '''Duplicate''' in the toolbar of '''WebGradebook'''.
b. Click to place a check mark next to the “'''Transfer Student'''” assignment.  Type an “'''E'''” in the '''Enter Grade Value''' field, then click the '''Apply Duplicate''' button. After doing this, you will see that all students will have a grade of “'''E'''” (Exempt) for the assignment “'''Transfer Student'''”.
4. '''Optional''':  If a user wants to make the transfer assignment only display for the transfer student on progress reports and the student progress center, do the following steps:
a. In WebGradebook, click the name (column) of the transfer assignment.  The column will turn yellow.
5. Double click on the cell of the student just gained and backspace to clear the “'''E'''”.  Enter the average of the student coming in.  Tap the '''ENTER''' key on the keyboard or move down to confirm the entry.  The student’s average will now include the average score from the previous class.
6. As other students are gained in the current grading period, the user would repeat step 5 for these new students in the “'''Transfer Student'''” assignment column.
<u>'''Method 2'''</u>:  '''Enter Points Earned and Points Possible (raw score) From the Previous Class'''
In this scenario, the student is coming in having earned 180 out of 200 points in the previous class.
1. In '''WebGradebook''', create an assignment labeled “'''Transfer studentlastname'''” or some other related title.
2. Make the assignment worth the number of points possible from the previous class: (Ex:  200 points)
'''Note''':  If this is a class with weighted categories (Ex. 30% Homework and 70% Tests), make two transfer assignments, one for each weighted category:
a. One for the first weighted category called “'''Transfer studentlastname category 1'''”
b. Another for the other weighted category called “'''Transfer studentlastname category2'''”
c. If there are other weighted categories, repeat as needed.
3. Once the '''Transfer studentlastname''' is made, duplicate a grade of '''E''' to all students.  This will show that all other students are exempt from this assignment.  The steps below explain how to duplicate a grade of “'''E'''” to all students.
a. Click '''Grades''', then '''Duplicate''' of '''WebGradebook'''.
b. Click to place a check mark next to the “'''Transfer studentlastname'''” assignment.  Type an “'''E'''” in the '''Enter Grade Value''' field, then click the '''Apply Duplicate''' button.
c. Now all of the students will have a grade of “'''E'''” (Exempt) for the assignment “'''Transfer studentlastname'''”. 
4. Double click on the cell of the student just gained and backspace to clear the “'''E'''”.  Enter the points earned (180 in this example) by the student coming in.  Tap the '''ENTER''' key on the keyboard or move down to confirm the entry.  The student’s average will now include the average score from the previous class.
5. As other students are gained, repeat steps 1 – 5 to create a new “'''Transfer studentlastname'''” for each student.  Make the assignment worth the points possible, then enter the points earned while duplicating an “'''E'''” for all other students.
== '''Discipline Posting''' ==
== '''Teacher Posting of Conduct (Comments) in WebGradebook''' ==
== '''Conduct (Comments) Codes Listing''' ==
== '''Maintaining a Printed Copy of Grades''' ==
== '''Obtaining Help for WebGradebook''' ==

Latest revision as of 14:51, 14 July 2023

Retrieved from EDgear Wiki