Basic Solutions to Edlink Errors

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39M and K30 Audit Codes

Q - The kindergarten students listed have K codes with current dates. The students with K30 codes have enrollment history in EdLink 360. LDOE has not added K30 to the Audit Code list. Please let me know how to correct these.

A - Go and adjust the students who have the homeless reason code missing errors. That will resolve the other errors. You can go to the Student Master> Programs tab and make sure they have a "End Type" selected on the records with the homeless codes.

Error 302 SIS (Overlapping Enrollment) The student stateID has been flagged by the state as having an overlapping enrollment.

  • Please view the student's Enrollment History tab in JCampus and determine if there is an overlap and correct.
  • If you are certain the student is yours, email me back confirming your correct start date and I can update the overlapping enrollment, if needed.
    • Adjust the enrollment dates, and contact the overlapping school, if needed.
  • (TWINS) If the student is a TWIN please email me back and we will correct their StateIDs to no longer identify them as the same person.
  • NOTE: It is possible your school is not the source of the overlap, but the new state report is less helpful than the previous reports.
    • Disregard the error if your school is not the source of the error.
  • Also, it is possible the error is due to a duplicate entry in JCampus for a student with a different SIDNO, and those records will not appear on the Enrollment History tab.
  • For those you may have to compare the SIDNOs of the student as well as the SASID.

ERROR 362 WITHDRAW_DATE Greater Than Current Date

  • Located in Student Master / Demographics.
  • Double check the exit date.... the wrong year may have been used


  • Located in Student Master / Demographics.
  • Double check the exit date.... for no show students.
  • The start and end date must be equal and the first day of school.

Error 395 (ESL Department - Language Code)

  • This is an error which is corrected by using the correct language code in the Student Master / Country field.
  • At least one enrollment record indicates Limited English proficient and at least one enrollment record indicates fully English proficient.
  • Please adjust or correct one of the 2 records.

Error 397

  • A prior year enrollment has flagged this student as a T9.
  • The current year enrollment also flags this student as a T9.
  • If this is incorrect, please adjust the end date of the TRA special code

Error 505 Student With No Schedule

  • The state has determined this student does not have a "valid" schedule based on state course codes.
  • Schedule student to classes that report state course codes with start date that matches enrolled date.
    • Kindergarten (state course code 700000)
    • Kindergarten SE (state course code 700000)
    • PRE-K (state course code 600000)
    • PRE-K SE (state course code 600000)

Error 711 (504 Coordinator)

  • This will need to be forwarded to your school's 504 coordinator
  • Student has a 504 record but does not currently have a 504 disability listed on their record. Please update the 504 record

Error 751 Invalid Grade for LOCAL_PROGRAM_MEMBERSHIP_KEY

  • Certain program codes can only be used for certain codes
  • Most often this is from the immersions program codes.
    • WLI001 World Lang Immersion Learning (French)
    • WLI002 World Lang Immersion Learning (Spanish)
    • WLI003 World Lang Immersion Learning (Chinese)
    • WLI004 World Lang Dual Immersion Learn Spanish Grade PreK-5

Error 800 Perpetrator/Action data not allowed for WITHDRAW_REASON_CODE 18

  • Located in Student Master / Demographics.
  • This appears to be a logic bug at the state.
    • Flagging an error if the student has a no show and then returns at some point in the future and then gets a discipline event

Error 855 SIS Student has overlapping suspension and/or expulsion

  • The state has identified 2 or more suspensions and/or expulsions that share a resolution date.
  • The state does not say which are overlapping so at present there is no good way to identify these referrals other than checking all of them and finding the dates which overlap.
  • Best way to identify is to go to Discipline Posting, then ACTION, then Suspensions. Look for overlapping suspension dates.

ERROR 89A Resolution missing from Major referral

  • Open Discipline >> Entry >> Discipline Posting
    • Visual Method:
    • Make sure to click "Major Referrals Only" in the Set up box
    • At the bottom of the screen will be a "Find Ref" button
    • Those discipline referrals that are missing resolutions are white in the list
    • Those disciplines that are fine are pink in the list (minors)

  • Action Drop down Method:
    • An alternative method is from the Action drop down list in the upper right hand corner
    • Click Action
    • Click Audit Discipline Data
    • Click Referral History Analysis
    • UNCHECK "complete History"
    • Once the "show pending" fields become available - CHECK "Admin Actions"
    • Click Ok
    • This will give you a list of unresolved Discipline referrals.
    • Search/scroll through your Find Ref List and find the whites easier, or just type the names of the students in the Find box to locate the whites (majors)
    • This will give you a good count and let you know your disciplines missing resolutions quickly


  • These are errors which the incident code is very questionable and needs verification and correction if needed.
  • Incidents of "Murder" and "Illegal carrying and discharge of weapons" will get tagged with "VERIFY".
  • If a student is truly Murdered just verify and notify
  • Illegal carrying and discharge of weapons only applies to a true pistol, rifle, or shotgun firearm where a potentially lethal bullet exits the weapon.
  • This code may also apply to Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), Rocket Launcher, Explosive devices and other explosively propelled Military Grade weaponry.
  • Most of the codes used for Illegal carry and discharge should have been...
    • 14 Possesses weapon not federally prohibited with a Other Weapon code of 99 Other Weapon
      • if the student did truly have a fire arm but was not fired please use...
    • 13 Possesses weapon prohibited under federal law with an appropriate weapon code.
      • If a student did truly discharge a true firearm just verify and notify

Error 975 Non-Disaster Entry after Disaster Entry

  • Located in Student Master / Demographics.
  • The student at some point has an entry code of disaster entry.
  • All other enrollment entry codes must match this code.
  • The state indicates what the code should be and the entry code just needs to match

OCT 1 CLASS Specific Errors


  • Go to Master Schedule Editor.
  • Locate the error section, verify and update the checkboxes in the S1-S4 Column.
  • Most often this is an error where a 9 Weeks School has checks in S3 and S4.
  • Simply remove the checks for the sections in error

ERROR 014 COURSE_DURATION is incorrect

  • Go to Master Schedule Editor.
  • Locate the error section, verify and update the checkboxes in the S1-S4 Column.
  • Most often this is an error where the section does not have enough S - columns checked.


  • Go to Student >> Schedule Maintenance.
  • Verify their active schedule looks correct.
  • If they have exitted. Check their term start dates and place their enrollment start date in any blanks.
  • if they are active or exitted. Go to Schedule history and correct any "before they were enrolled" start dates

ERROR 028 Students with Schedule but without Enrollment

  • Go to Student >> Schedule Maintenance.
  • Verify their active schedule looks correct.
  • The student most likely has start dates way before their enrollment start date

ESCHOLAR Specific Errors

ERROR U01, U02

  • Check the students name and see if they may have a JR, SR, IV etc in name and not Suffix
  • Check escholar and see if they have an inactive ID
  • Check to see if the student has 2 seperate SIDNO
  • re-upload all students once checked, verified, corrected

U06 PEP - "Staff ID invalid for LOCAL_STAFF_KEY".

  • This is a mismatch in data in eScholar and what is sent to EDLink. Re-submit the staff to eScholar so the local staff id gets updated there.

Staff Errors

  • Each 'student' teacher is called a Resident teacher by the state. You will need to enter them in the HR Master with a Employee Status code of "07" on the HR Master> Confidential tab> top area in Employee Status column.
  • Each Mentor teacher will need a "Special Code" of "RMT" on the HR Master> Demo tab.
  • You can link the Mentor and Resident by 2 different ways.
    • 1 - Add the Resident teacher to the "Add Staff" in the Master Schedule Editor.
    • 2 - For the Resident teacher, on HR Master> Qualification tab, add the Mentor teacher via the "Mentor" field. Also, they need "Resident Program Type" of Post Baccalaureate, "Resident **Placement %" of 100%.
    • But, remember to remove it from last year`s field if the teacher is no longer a Resident teacher.

SIS errors

Q - The MFP count is off and it looks like maybe the students that are being SIS schooled are not making it into the file. For example, the student`s enrollment at school 002 has an end date of 8-29-23, but not the new enrollment on 8-30-23 at 050, with SIS school of 002. All students at school 050 and 900 are being SIS schooled to their base school.

A - Go into the Sponsor Site Editor for each site and check off "Submit SIS Batch Files" and click save. This will include the students in the export. This setting is necessary even for the SIS Schools. Make sure to run the SIS School Loader for those 2 schools and sort on the SIS school field so any blanks are at the top. Then assign a SIS school for any student who has a blank. Otherwise there will be errors.

Q - Is there something in JCampus to identify/not identify students as foster care students?

A - Foster care is not transmitted to the state via EDLink. The state determines that from their own sources and then shows that in EDLink.

Questions about the Homeless Underage and how they should be sent to the state

As long as the students are enrolled with the "HT" enrollment code, a record in the students.tsv file will be created. Also, students need a homeless service in the Homeless Service Log. No students_ext.tsv record will be submitted as it is not needed! Any K49 ADQ for a homeless underage student can be ignored. Make sure to clean up the other K49 errors. Verify the Homeless Underage loaded by checking the counts on the EDLink> Essentials> Diverse Learners> Homeless Students - Underage Dashboard.

Q - Does this mean that a 3 y/o PreK student who has a homeless program code needs to be enrolled with HT instead of E1?

A - The HT code is really for underage non-students. This would be siblings of enrolled students. A 3yo can be enrolled in PK and be homeless not "HT".

Misc. errors

  • "End Date" errors have to do with Sponsor Site Editor> Grading Period tab> Greading Period dates.
  • Any "Placement Code" errors must have a placement code in the Master Schedule Editor> SEPSC column for any courses marked with a 1SPED in the Course Catalog> Honors column.
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